Modak is Bhagwan Ganesha’s favorite sweet and made in many Hindu homes during the first day of Ganesh Chaturthi Festival. The most popular variety of modak that is made is Ukadiche modak which is from the Maharashtrian Cuisine. In this post I am sharing two ways of...
Modak is Bhagwan Ganesha’s favorite sweet and made in many Hindu homes during the first day of Ganesh Chaturthi Festival. The most popular variety of modak that is made is Ukadiche modak which is from the Maharashtrian Cuisine. In this post I am sharing two ways of...
Modak is Bhagwan Ganesha’s favorite sweet and made in many Hindu homes during the first day of Ganesh Chaturthi Festival. The most popular variety of modak that is made is Ukadiche modak which is from the Maharashtrian Cuisine. In this post I am sharing two ways of...
Modak is Bhagwan Ganesha’s favorite sweet and made in many Hindu homes during the first day of Ganesh Chaturthi Festival. The most popular variety of modak that is made is Ukadiche modak which is from the Maharashtrian Cuisine. In this post I am sharing two ways of...
Modak is Bhagwan Ganesha’s favorite sweet and made in many Hindu homes during the first day of Ganesh Chaturthi Festival. The most popular variety of modak that is made is Ukadiche modak which is from the Maharashtrian Cuisine. In this post I am sharing two ways of...